Adult Groups

The adult groups sub-module houses the groups in the adult section of your church.

Add Group

To add a group:

  1. Navigate to “Drop Container > Groups”
  2. Select “Adult” from the menu bar.
  3. Click on “Add Group” button
  4. Complete the fields as required
    • Enter the name of the group
    • Enter a description for the group
  5. Click on the “Ok” button. The new group you just created will be added to the Group List.

Editing Group

To edit a Group:

  1. Navigate to “Drop container > Groups”
  2. Select “Adult” from the menu bar.
  3. Click the action button on the row corresponding to the group you want to edit. Select “Update” from the dropdown list.
  4. Edit the fields as required
  5. Click on the “Ok” button to save the edited group.

Delete Group

To delete a Group:

  1. Navigate to “Drop container > Groups”
  2. Select “Adult” from the menu bar.
  3. Click the action button on the row corresponding to the group you want to delete Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the group.

Adding Group Members

You can add members to a group in bulk or in singles. To add members to a group

  1. Navigate to “Drop container > Groups”
  2. Select “Adult” from the menu bar.
  3. Click the group name corresponding to the group you would like to add members.

When adding a single member;

  1. Click on “Add Member” button.
  2. Type the name of the person you want to add to the group
  3. Enter the person’s position in the group
  4. Select the current status in the group
  5. Select the role in the group. Group administrators can enter group attendance when they login to the browser
  6. Select the date the person joined the group
  7. Click “Ok” to add the person

When adding members in bulk to a group;

  1. Click on “Add Members”.
  2. The list of adult members who are currently not part of te group will be displayed.
  3. Check the members you want to be part of the group.
  4. Click on “Save” button to add them to the group

Delete a member from a group

To delete a member from a group:

  1. Navigate to “Drop container > Groups”
  2. Select “Adult” from the menu bar.
  3. Click on the name of the group you want to delete a member from
  4. The list of members in the group will be displayed.
  5. Click the Dropdown button beside the details of the member you want to delete from the group.
  6. Choose “Delete” from the dropdown list to delete the member