
General information about the system

Getting Started

We will start by giving a brief introduction to the system interface. System Overview The Church Manager App is grouped into modules. We currently have the following modules: Interface Checklist Some people may find it beneficial to have a checklist to refer to while getting started. While there is no set order, we have included […]

Access to the system by Administrators

Administrators and pastors can access the system using the browser. An administrator or pastor must be added to the system in order to access the system. The URL would be The churchId is the id you selected when you registered with us. When they access the system, they will be asked to ender the […]

Access to the mobile App by members

Adult members of your church can access the system using the mobile app. The mobile app can be downloaded from Google Play and Apple App Store. Search for Church Manager from these stores. You need to be on a Premium Package if you want your church members to use the mobile app. Once the app […]