
Keep records of activities such as child dedication, death, marriage and assets.

Attendance Overview

The Attendance submodule is used to take attendance for programmes and also check in members. Before actual attendance can be taken, we would have to set up the following. Create the various attendance categories – This specifies the categories of members you would like to take total count. See Attendance Category Create various church programmes […]

Adding Attendance Records

Add Attendance To add attendance record: Navigate to “Drop container > Register” Select “Attendance” from the menu bar. You can then select Adult (for adult records)/Youth (for youth records)/Children (for children records) Click on “Take Attendance” button. Complete the fields as required: Under the Categories, select a category and enter the total count. Click on the […]


The Programme module allows you to create, maintain and add church programmes. Add Programme To add a Programme, Navigate to “Drop container > Register” Select “Programme” from the Settings menu. Click on “Add Programme” button Complete the fields as required Click on the Save button. The new Programme you just created will be added to […]

Attendance Category

Attendance category helps structure attendance taken. It helps churches categorise their members into identifiable groups that they want to take attendance for. Add Attendance Category To add attendance category, Navigate to “Drop container > Register” Select “Attendance Category” from the Settings menu. Click on “Add Attendance Category” button Complete the fields as required Click on […]